.. -*- mode: rst -*- ========= INSTALL ========= This document should help you to install the **GromacsWrapper** package. The installation uses `setuptools`_ (also known as ``easy_install`` or "egg install"); if this is not available on your system you can either let the installer download it automatically from the internet (so just go to `Quick installation instructions`_) or install it using your package manager, eg:: aptitude install python-setuptools or similar. Please do not hesitate to contact `Oliver Beckstein`_ if problems occur or if you have suggestions on how to improve the package or these instructions. .. _`Oliver Beckstein`: orbeckst@gmail.com .. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools Quick installation instructions =============================== If you have ``easy_install`` on your system you can directly install from the interweb:: easy_install -f https://github.com/orbeckst/GromacsWrapper/tags GromacsWrapper This will automatically download and install the latest version. Manual Download =============== If your prefer to download manually, get the latest stable release from https://github.com/orbeckst/GromacsWrapper/tags and use any of the following methods (in increasing order of complexity): - From an egg install file, eg GromacsWrapper-0.1-py2.5.egg:: easy_install GromacsWrapper-0.1-py2.5.egg - From a tar ball, eg GromacsWrapper-0.1.tar.gz:: easy_install GromacsWrapper-0.1.tar.gz - From the unpacked source:: tar -zxvf GromacsWrapper-0.1.tar.gz cd GromacsWrapper-0.1 python setup.py install See the `easy_install instructions`__ for explanation of the options that allow you to install into non-standard places. .. __: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#custom-installation-locations Source code access ================== The tar archive from https://github.com/orbeckst/GromacsWrapper/tags contains a full source code distribution. In order to follow code development you can also browse the code **git** repository at http://github.com/orbeckst/GromacsWrapper or clone the git repository from git://github.com/orbeckst/GromacsWrapper.git Requirements ============ Python_ and Gromacs_ must be installed. ipython_ is very much recommended. These packages might already be available through your local package manager such as ``aptitude/apt``, ``yum``, ``yast``, ``fink`` or ``macports``. .. _Python: http://www.python.org .. _Gromacs: http://www.gromacs.org .. _ipython: http://ipython.scipy.org System requirements ------------------- Tested with python 2.5, 2.6 on Linux and Mac OS X. Earlier python versions will likely fail. Required python modules ----------------------- The basic package makes use of numpy_ and can use matplotlib_ (in the form of the ``pylab`` package). Only numpy_ is immediately required (and automatically installed with ``easy_install``). .. _numpy: http://numpy.scipy.org .. _matplotlib: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ For the :mod:`gromacs.analysis` library additional packages are required: ============= ========== ================================================== package version source ============= ========== ================================================== matplotlib >=0.91.3 http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ scipy http://www.scipy.org/ RecSQL >=0.3 http://sbcb.bioch.ox.ac.uk/oliver/software/RecSQL/ ============= ========== ================================================== See `Installing all packages and requirements`_ for hints on how to install these package. Additional instructions ======================= Installing *all* packages and requirements ------------------------------------------ If you want to make sure that ``easy_install`` also installs requirements for optional modules then you will have to add the additional requirement ``[analysis]`` to the command line. For a web install this would look like :: easy_install -f https://github.com/orbeckst/GromacsWrapper/tags GromacsWrapper[analysis] For installation from a downloaded source distribution :: easy_install GromacsWrapper-0.1.tar.gz[analysis] or from within the unpacked source :: cd GromacsWrapper-0.1 easy_install . GromacsWrapper[analysis] In each case this will try to download additional packages for the extra *analysis* module. A common problem appears to be the error `Could not find matplotlib`_ as discussed below. Troubleshooting =============== For problems with ``easy_install`` please read the `User setuptools instructions`__. .. __: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#what-your-users-should-know Installing in non-standard locations ------------------------------------ Inform yourself about how to use ``easy_install`` to install packages in `Custom Installation Locations`_. For code hacking and development a *developer installation* is often useful. In the unpacked source:: python setup.py develop --install-dir python-lib-dir where ``python-lib-dir`` must be on the ``PYTHONPATH``. .. _Custom Installation Locations: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#custom-installation-locations easy_install import error ------------------------- Online installation can run into issues where the installation dies with the error:: ImportError: No module named ez_setup If `EasyInstall Troubleshooting`_ does not help then try downloading the source distribution package manually, unpack, and install from inside with something like:: python setup.py install If this is still not working contact the author and complain. .. _EasyInstall Troubleshooting: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#troubleshooting Could not find matplotlib ------------------------- Automatic downloading of ``matplotlib`` often fails:: Searching for matplotlib>=0.91.3 Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/matplotlib/ Reading http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net Reading https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80706&package_id=278194 Reading https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80706&package_id=82474 Reading http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80706 No local packages or download links found for matplotlib>=0.91.3 error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('matplotlib>=0.91.3') If automatic downloading of ``matplotlib`` fails then the best approach is to install it through your package management system. Search for "matplotlib" or "pylab" in the list of available packages. If this is not an option then `download matplotlib`_ manually and `install matplotlib manually`_ first. For example, :: wget http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/matplotlib/matplotlib- \ -O matplotlib- easy_install matplotlib- Note that you should look at the `download matplotlib`_ page to get the latest distribution. As highlighted in the `matplotlib installation FAQ`_ it is important to rename the ``egg`` file (as done in the example above). Possibly the following installation from the source distribution works, too:: easy_install matplotlib- Once this has been accomplished, try the above installation instructions again; ``easy_install`` should now pick up the newly installed matplotlib. .. _`download matplotlib`: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=80706 .. _`install matplotlib manually`: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/installing.html .. _`matplotlib installation FAQ`: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/faq/installing_faq.html#easy-install-from-egg